Thursday, September 24, 2009

7 Ways To Tell If It's Time To Fire Your Boss!

by Karen Dodd

I remember once asking a happily married friend, how I would know when "he's the one?" She took my hand, looked me straight in the eyes and gently said, "Trust me Karen, you'll just know."

It might be with similar fear and trepidation, that you approach the question of whether or not to leave your job, in order to start your own business. It can become an even more difficult decision, given the current economy.

I believe strongly in starting your business part-time, while you still have the security of a steady paycheck and benefits. However, there are some unmistakable signs when it may be best for you to move out of working for someone else, in order to focus on your dream of having your own business.

1. When Sunday night or Monday morning has your stomach in knots. If you are one of those people I see rushing in and out of offices, who seem downright miserable, consider that a definite "clue." If the mere smell of your office tower makes you nauseous -- or the elevator seems to close in on you, as you ascend to your floor, you need to move on. No amount of money or "security" is worth that. Starting your own business allows you to work where you want and with whom you want. Once you are firmly established, it will even allow you to work when you want.

2. You've become the "rainmaker" for your company or division. Consistent referrals probably have more to do with you personally, than with your company. Knowing you are highly referable and sought after can be a great time to start your own business. Similarly, when clients try to hire you away from your company, this would be the optimum time to move out and hang up your own shingle.

3. You have become your job. It's hard to remember where your workday ends and your personal life begins. Early mornings, late night and weekends are starting to take their toll -- and you resent it. Even though you may be working very long hours in your own business when you start out, the time you get to spend on it whizzes by, and you'll find limitless energy because you are doing it for YOU. Later, the fact that you are your own boss will provide you with much more flexibility, both financially and time-wise.

4. You are the type of person who others want to follow and you attract people who want to support and help you. Having clients who would be willing to follow you, or people willing to mentor and help you, are incredibly valuable resources. Be mindful of attracting those types of people into your life and build your network as large as possible before you jump into entrepreneurship.

5. You know in your heart you are only biding time. If you don't see yourself staying to collect your pension and gold watch, you might as well make the move to self-employment sooner rather than later. Don't run the risk of losing your spark and having regrets later. If you've taken financial measures to plan for your corporate exit, that's great. That means you're taking a calculated risk rather than acting impulsively. However, there will never be that perfect time or exact amount of money in your savings account. Sometimes you just need to do it!

6. You're feeling inauthentic and are holding back from contributing ideas because you'd like to use them yourself. Whether you are simply not passionate about your company's cause or you are being asked to do things that don't match with your principles, the stress of not doing what you love and feel good about, will eventually take its toll on your emotional, physical and spiritual health. If on the other hand, you stay awake thinking of fabulous ideas but are not contributing them in your workplace, its a sure sign you should start a business you are passionate about and that is aligned with your values.

7. You keep seeing new products come on the market and you say, "Dang, I should have done that!" Think the Spanx hosiery and line of undies. How many times did you cut off one leg of your pantyhose and wear two tops when you were young?! Seriously, you clearly have a creative mind, you're observant and you're responsive to the marketplace. By recognizing a need and how to fill it, you have an excellent likelihood of being successful in your own venture.

If even a few of these keys resonate with you, you need to seriously explore when would be the right time to burn your corporate bridge, fire your boss -- and cross the river to become the successful business owner that you know you can be.

Need some help to figure out how to really focus in on implementing these tips? Then be sure to go to my website to get more information about my Inside Every Woman There's a Millionaire® Programs. Click here to find out about events, tools and resources.

[Editor's note: Karen is available to work with you one-on-one, to help you identify your niche and implement a step-by-step strategy to build your business and attract your ideal clients. Please email her at for more information.]

©2009 Karen Dodd Group of Companies

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR EZINE OR WEBSITE? No problem! But here's what you MUST include:
Working with everyone from moms to millionaires, Karen Dodd helps you connect with your unique gifts and talents, ignite your passion, and take inspired action so you can Focus On The Dream(TM). To learn how you can start or move your business to a level that you've only dreamed of, register now for Karen's free articles at:

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Top 4 Easy Marketing Tips

by Karen Dodd

Do you love what you do but your heart quickens and your palms get sweaty when you think of marketing your business? Or, has your marketing become so routine and humdrum that you're even boring yourself? Would it be attractive to you, to be priming your marketing pump now, so that eventually it will run like a well-oiled machine?

Allow me to inject some fun, enthusiasm -- and EASE into your marketing equation.

In mentoring solo-entrepreneurs and self-employed professionals, I've noticed that they often miss utilizing the little things that can make such a big difference in their businesses. Here are some very easy, relatively inexpensive things that you can implement right away, that will help prime your marketing and client attraction funnel.

1. Utilize the back of your business cards. Trust me -- people do turn your business card over, and when there is nothing on the back, you are wasting significant marketing "real estate." I have been at 3 networking events in the past two weeks and the majority of business cards I received were either blank on the back, or contained some insignificant information. While it might be tempting to put your tag line or your mission statement on the flip side, why not put something that will cause people to go to your website? One year ago I built my entire readership for this ezine by having the following on my business cards: "If I simply did 20% High Payoff Activities for the rest of the year, would my income increase?" To create your '80/20 Wealth Board" go to:

2. You must, must, must have your own website (not just a company-replicated one) -- even if it's just a simple one or two-pager. If you are still trying to market without an on-line presence, you and your business are going to go the way of the dinosaur. For those of you who are in direct sales, it is critical that you not rely on the cookie-cutter website that your company provides you. Why? Because search engines like Google and Yahoo hate them! As soon as their engines detect a behemoth group of websites that are essentially all the same, they just skip right over yours. While your company-replicated site is great for showcasing your products and services, and for taking orders, you must have your own personal website.

3. Regardless of what type of business you are in, you need to be connecting with your public at least once every two weeks -- preferably once a week. The easiest and most effective way of doing this is via a simple E-newsletter, called an ezine. Alternatively, you could write a Blog -- which can actually serve as your website, until you get one up and running. If you choose to do an ezine, there are extremely simple platforms like Constant Contact or A-Weber. They have hundreds of templates to choose from, so you don't have to have your own graphics designed right away and they make your contact management a breeze. They both offer free trials and then are only around $20 per month after that. For blogging, Blogger is totally free and super easy to use.

4. Learn how to use Social Media to promote your business -- but do it right! When it comes to using social media like Facebook and Twitter, you're probably of two minds. One, you are thinking, why do I, or does anyone else care what I'm doing right now? Or, you are currently using social media, but not capitalizing on it for your business. Either way, you're missing the boat.

I highly recommend Relationship Specialist, Internet Marketing Consultant and Facebook Business Coach, Mari Smith . She is passionate about showing professionals, entrepreneurs and business owners how to develop powerful, profitable relationships using an integrated social media strategy, with Facebook and Twitter. I have worked with Mari personally and she also has tons of free information on her website.

Whether or not you decide to work with Mari, please don't jump into social media and start promoting yourself and your business right away. You will be very disappointed and burn your bridges before you even get started. Instead, look for individuals and groups that fit your niche and look for ways to contribute with ideas and support, first. Then, when you do start self-promoting you will have built a solid following of people who want to hear what you have to say.

Remember that in business -- as in life -- everything you do, says something about you. When you are authentically you and sincerely heart-centered in all that you do, you will bask in the glory of attraction marketing versus push-through marketing. And it only gets easier, more fun and more rewarding from there!

Need some help to figure out how to really focus in on implementing these tips? Then be sure to go to my Events page to get more information about my Inside Every Woman There's a Millionaire® Tea Party. If you are not in our local marketplace, then click here to register for my small group 5-week teleclass.

[Editor's note: Karen is available to work with you one-on-one, to help you identify your niche and implement a step-by-step strategy to build your business and attract your ideal clients. Please email her at for more information.]

©2009 Karen Dodd International

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR EZINE OR WEBSITE? No problem! But here's what you MUST include:
Working with everyone from moms to millionaires, Karen Dodd helps you connect with your unique gifts and talents, ignite your passion, and take inspired action so you can Focus On The Dream(TM). To learn how you can start or move your business to a level that you've only dreamed of, register now for Karen's free articles at:

Thursday, September 10, 2009

5 Ways To Turn Your Hobby Into A Million Dollar Business

by Karen Dodd

Remember the "old days" when people would talk about marrying for love or for if they were mutually exclusive? Somebody's mother was famous for saying, "Dear, you can love a rich man just as easily as a poor man."

Similarly, many people feel that if they turn their hobby or outside interest into a business, they have to choose between "sharing" their passion for free, or nearly free -- and making it a hugely profitable business. In fact, in mentoring clients over the years, I have noticed that when they're not getting paid for something, they can't keep quiet about it. As soon as they charge money for sharing the same information, their tongue gets tied and it becomes a challenge just to say hello!

Why is that, do you think?

I believe it is my duty to share what I know, with as many people as I can. In fact, my personal concept of becoming a millionaire (besides the money) is to touch at least a million people in my life, through my paid and volunteer work. In order to do that, I have to have my basic needs met. I have to be well-fed, clothed, housed and rested. I need to feel good about myself and my independence in the world, in order to reach out and pull others up. I believe that one of the best ways of achieving your Inside Every Woman There's a Millionaire® lifestyle, is to start your own business.

Now if you love, love, love your job -- please don't stop reading! Being happy and secure in a job where you just can't wait to get up and experience each day, is truly a blessing. Long may it last. However, while you are in that enviable position, why not look at your passion or hobby outside of your work and see how you can turn that into passive and leveraged income? If you're already in your own business now, ask yourself if it's meeting your criteria for "love and money" and look at creative ways of achieving both.

Scour any business magazine and you will find scores of successful entrepreneurs who have successfully parlayed their hobby into a viable business -- in some cases, multi-million dollar ventures.

Your mentoring assignment -- should you choose to accept it:

1. Do your due diligence. Do everything in your power to research your market and figure out if what you are about to offer will cause people to pull out their credit cards. Check out your competition and everything about them. Don't be discouraged if someone else is baking cupcakes with their grandmother's world-famous recipe -- just be sure you have something authentic that isn't just another me-too product. In doing your research, use online tools like doing surveys within your natural network. You can do this via a simple email or use a free and easy survey service like Survey Monkey.

2. Do over-estimate the time and money it will take to get up and running profitably. With so many home-based businesses today, it is possible to start on a shoestring and largely control your outlay. However, it is critical that you know exactly how you will finance your venture and more importantly, how you will finance yourself personally until you can draw an income. If you are going to need to borrow from the bank or raise private investors, you will need a solid business plan. Invest both the time and money necessary in having your plan put together by an expert.

3. Do ask yourself if you have the both the skills and the temperament to start your own business. Some people have turned their hobby into a business, only to discover that they hate the pressures of their own business so much, that they no longer enjoy what used to be their passion. If you love to cook and think that you might like to start a catering business, see if you could go to work for a caterer, to get a real sense of what goes on behind the scenes. As a newbie in your own business, chances are you're going to be working long hours, often with very little pay -- at least at the beginning. Are your psyche and your pocket book going to be okay with that? How will you handle not being able to take regular vacations for awhile, or having to cancel personal plans when something unforeseen comes up in the business?

4. Just because your hobby has become your business, don't give away your power. If you truly have a well-researched idea and a solid plan to take it to the market, don't underestimate your value, both in terms of time and money. I see many solo-entrepreneurs shrug off their accomplishments or hesitate to charge what they're worth because they are so closely tied to what they do. For example, someone who can whip up a six-course gourmet meal for twenty guests, at the drop of a hat, might be reticent about charging a handsome fee for her services. The reality is that what you take for granted is what others will gladly pay for. If you are going to run yourself into the ground, charging little or not enough, your passion (and business) will fizzle, over time.

5. Look for ways to recycle your expertise into passive and leveraged income. If you retail a product or service in your market, don't limit yourself to your geographical area. Perhaps you've turned your love of animals into a dog-grooming business. Obviously you can only only groom so many animals (even with staff) in a given day -- thus, you can only make so much money. That approach provides only "linear income." However, what if you have someone video what you do in your shop and then market that online to people all over the world who have difficult pets to bathe? Or, you might write a simple how-to manual and sell that online. You do the work once but you continue to get paid over and over -- creating passive income. A great way to get the ball rolling on passive and leveraged income is to get really connected to your customers and prospects via a weekly or bi-weekly online newsletter, known as an ezine.

Okay -- you've done your homework, you've written your business plan, you've got your finances ready and you're ready to rock! But you've got to get the word out to your public, right? Remember what I said about your tongue getting stuck to the roof of your mouth, when money gets involved?

Look at your business this way. If you were opening a restaurant or a dress shop, you'd probably need to advertise, correct? If you'd just written a book, you'd have a book launch party. As with birthing any "baby" it takes time from the creation of your idea until it becomes a fully developed venture. So, start the buzz early. Use emails, a weekly ezine, free and paid publicity -- and just about every other crazy personality-infused technique you can -- to build excitement before your opening. And Voila! You will be well on your way to the fame, fortune and freedom that having your own successful business can provide.

Need some help to figure out how to really focus in on implementing these tips? Then be sure to go to my Events page to get more information about my Inside Every Woman There's a Millionaire® Tea Party. If you are not in our local marketplace, then click here to register for my small group 5-week teleclass.

[Editor's note: Karen is available to work with you one-on-one, to help you identify your niche and implement a step-by-step strategy to build your business and attract your ideal clients. Please email her at for more information.]

©2009 Karen Dodd International

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR EZINE OR WEBSITE? No problem! But here's what you MUST include:
Working with everyone from moms to millionaires, Karen Dodd helps you connect with your unique gifts and talents, ignite your passion, and take inspired action so you can Focus On The Dream(TM). To learn how you can start or move your business to a level that you've only dreamed of, register now for Karen's free articles at: