Thursday, October 15, 2009

3 Ways To Network Authentically

by Karen Dodd

Several years ago -- I had to come to terms with the fact that as a supposed "marketer extraordinaire," I possessed a dirty little secret. I both feared and loathed networking functions. The thought of one more 6am breakfast meeting or another after-five "mixer" left me feeling nauseous. While I recognize not everyone feels the way I did, I find that most entrepreneurs feel varying degrees of discomfort around networking events. At the very least, they wonder how they could use these opportunities more effectively. Some will tell you that networking just flat out doesn't work. I'm here to tell you: it works if you hone your networking skills to get results.

Just over a year ago, I decided it was time to put my "icky" feelings aside and get back out and try again. I ended up going to a few different networking groups several times as a guest, until I settled on just two groups that I both enjoyed and that resulted in great "results." So, I think that is the first most important key: find just one or two groups that you enjoy and actually look forward to attending.

Additionally, here are 3 keys that if you are willing to change your paradigm and do things differently, you will see significantly different results.

1. Rather than seeing how many business cards you can collect and give out, make it a point to focus on three to five quality interactions. One of the things I appreciate most about a group that I chose to network with, is that we each have one minute to talk about ourselves at the table of eight at which we're sitting. And then, we switch tables just once. That way, it is much less intimidating for new or shy attendees and it tends to be a very supportive environment. So, if you are part of the organizing committee of a networking event, try using this technique as opposed to trying to work the whole room.

If you are forced into a whole-room free-for-all, you will surprise and delight your fellow networker if you ask about them and their business first. The number one thing that has changed the outcome of my interactions at networking events, is to say something like, "Susan, I meet a lot of people in the course of my work. How would I know if someone I'm talking to would be an ideal client for your business?"

I promise you -- people will be taken aback! Just try it -- and let me know how it works for you. When you use this approach, it is much more likely for the other person to take a sincere interest in you, when it's your turn to talk about your business.

2. When introducing yourself and what you do, refrain from using "labels" or explaining the process of how you do what you do. Instead, ask two or three "disturbing" questions of your fellow networkers and then give them your "transformation" statement. For example, instead of saying "I'm so-and-so and I'm a mortgage broker (your label)", instead say, "Have you ever struggled with whether you should just deal with your bank or felt frustrated about which of so many mortgage brokers to go to? Well , what I do is take all of that guess work out of the equation for you, so that you have peace of mind, whether you're a first-time buyer or are refinancing (your transformation statement)."

I can't tell you the number of times that I have witnessed someone drone on and on about why we should use his or her products and how they're better for us and the environment -- only to watch people's eyes glaze over -- because there was nothing said to engage them. And most of us don't like being lectured to!

There is a time and place to get into your features, benefits and your process of how you work with a client, but it is not at a networking introduction. You are never going to get to that point if you can't communicate how working with you or your product can transform their life or business.

3. Be crystal clear about what you are looking for by way of referrals. Don't assume that even if people understand what you do, they know what it is you need to build your business. For instance, you might be in direct sales and although more sales are always good, you might be looking for more people to join your sales team who want to work part-time from home, earn extra income and find a way to eventually leave their corporate job. By having the utmost clarity in who your ideal client is and what "transformation" you create for them, you are more likely to attract the right kind of referrals. People want to give referrals -- they just don't always know how. It's our job to educate them.
Your Assignment:
1. Write your 60-second networking or elevator speech. Try using all or parts of this model:
Are you frustrated by...
Do you often struggle with...
Is it sometimes difficult to...
Do you sometimes wish you could...

2.Craft your transformation/solution statement
Well, I help__________(who) do __________(what) so that they can __________(result)."

Tip: Remember that your transformation or solution statement is about them -- not you!)

If you're still struggling with this, think about the top questions or concerns that your past and current clients have voiced to you. Why did they come to you? Know what problems they would do anything or pay anything to solve. That becomes your transformational value.

3. Once you come up with something you're comfortable with, use that on the back of your business cards, on your website, in your email signature...everywhere!

At the beginning of this article, I mentioned that you want to hone your networking skills to get "results." I was very fortunate that at both of the groups I chose to attend only as a guest, I actually got business right away from each. All that means to me is that I've learned to effectively communicate effectively what it is I do and why someone would want to work with me. Now, there is rarely a meeting I attend that I don't get at least one person coming up to get more information on how they can work with me.

However, receiving business immediately should not be your objective. Effective, authentic, and heart centered networking requires patience. People buy from those they know, like and trust -- and that usually takes time. So -- that means that effective follow-up is critical.

Be sure to read next week's article, where I'll discuss follow-up in detail.

Need some help to figure out how to really focus in on implementing these tips? Then be sure to go to my website to get more information about my Inside Every Woman There's a Millionaire® programs. Click here to find out about events, tools and resources.

[Editor's note: Karen is available to work with you one-on-one, to help you identify your niche and implement a step-by-step strategy to build your business and attract your ideal clients. Please email her at for more information.]

©2009 Karen Dodd Group of Companies

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR EZINE OR WEBSITE? No problem! But here's what you MUST include:
Working with everyone from moms to millionaires, Karen Dodd helps you connect with your unique gifts and talents, ignite your passion, and take inspired action so you can Focus On The Dream(TM). To learn how you can start or move your business to a level that you've only dreamed of, register now for Karen's free articles at:

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Overwhelmed? Focus On The Right Things

by Karen Dodd

By nature, entrepreneurs are usually asking themselves, What's next? And with so many great ideas, it's often difficult to stay focused and not get overwhelmed. Give yourself permission to be okay with where you are right now. That doesn't mean you are resting on your laurels and won't continue to grow, but the key is to let yourself enjoy where you are in the present. You'll find this is a much better place from which to move forward -- when you've savored the moment and you're ready to move to the next project.

Examine how you can take what you love doing and leverage your time. Whether you are a coach or you're in sales, look for ways to share your message once but to many people. For example, rather than making a presentation to ten people one-by-one, consider doing a seminar or teleclass where you can reach more people simultaneously. "Seminar selling," as it is referred to, is being used more and more by everyone from financial planners to fitness professionals.

Use your sense of purpose to guide your slight edge decision-making. Ikigai is an Okinawan term for sense of purpose. Keep your sense of purpose rooted in all that you do. On a daily basis, ask yourself this question, What can I do to make the world a better place? And on an hourly or decision-by-decision basis, ask yourself, Is what I am doing now, directly contributing to my goal (or purpose)? If the answer is "no," then look at how you can refocus by doing the right task at that moment.

This is what Ralph Marston recently said on the subject of purpose, in his Daily Motivators.

"Where there is purpose, there is energy. Actions directed toward a compelling purpose will create a powerful momentum that lines up events and circumstances in your favor. Purpose gives you a reason to get going each day and strengthens your determination to persist when the going gets tough. Purpose pushes you firmly toward your highest level of accomplishment."

Don't make the mistake of thinking that you're living your purpose even when you're in the job or business of your dreams. What the heck does that mean, you ask?

The best analogy I can think of is someone who hypothetically has scrimped and saved and studied to put herself through medical school and is now a physician at one of the best hospitals in the country. However if she is overworked, stressed and feeling disconnected from her patients, she has probably lost the passion and zest for the sense of purpose that propelled her into her profession in the first place.

So, even if you're working in a field that you're passionate about, be sure to take the time to reconnect with your craft, the people -- the sense of fulfillment and satisfaction that attracted you in the first place.
Your Assignment:
Are you fully present or are you always thinking of "what's next?" Ask yourself these questions:
1. What are some truly great and significant successes that I have already achieved in my business? (this would be your "brag to myself list.")
2. Am I taking regular times out to savor and celebrate where I am and what I've already accomplished?
3. What 2 things could I celebrate today by giving myself little rewards (a walk on the beach, your favorite latte, a massage)?
Write down one way that you could "leverage" what you are currently doing one-to-one that would allow you to use your time more effectively and reach more people. Could you do a paid or free seminar or teleclass? Could you put a short audio or video up on your website or on YouTube? Use your imagination and get creative. The key is not working more hours but rather, working less while reaching more people and creating leveraged or passive income.

Write these three things down and put them where you'll see them every hour of every day (your office wall, on your computer, whatever):

1. "Is what I am about to do right now, taking me closer to or further away from my goal?"
2. "Focus Only On (your current project) Until Completion."
3. "What can I do today to make the world (yours, your clients') a better place?"

Write down three reasons that made you get into your business in the first place and then ask yourself, Do I get to do these things in my business on a regular basis? If not, identify three ways you can re-connect with your passion immediately -- and do them!

If you are truly living and working your passion and purpose, you will never have to work a day in your life!

Need some help to figure out how to really focus in on implementing these tips? Then be sure to go to my website to get more information about my Inside Every Woman There's a Millionaire® Programs. Click here to find out about events, tools and resources.

[Editor's note: Karen is available to work with you one-on-one, to help you identify your niche and implement a step-by-step strategy to build your business and attract your ideal clients. Please email her at for more information.]

©2009 Karen Dodd Group of Companies

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR EZINE OR WEBSITE? No problem! But here's what you MUST include:
Working with everyone from moms to millionaires, Karen Dodd helps you connect with your unique gifts and talents, ignite your passion, and take inspired action so you can Focus On The Dream(TM). To learn how you can start or move your business to a level that you've only dreamed of, register now for Karen's free articles at: