Thursday, June 18, 2009

"5 Questions To Ask Yourself In Order To Move Forward"

No doubt you've heard the expression, "the mind is like a parachute -- it works best when it's open."

My addition to that quote is: "...but remember to use your toggles!" Toggles are the two mechanisms that allow you to actually steer the parachute, rather than just sailing around aimlessly, in the wide blue yonder.

Whether you are focusing on your business or your personal life, it is always desirable to move forward (as opposed to backward:>). However, as is the case in sailing or parachuting, moving forward seldom works by following a straight line.

When trying to break through your pre-existing beliefs or paradigms, it can be helpful to ask yourself questions -- for the answers are usually in your questions. Here are my five "toggles" to steer yourself to a focused landing.

5 Top Questions To Ask Yourself, To Move Forward

1. What is your end game? What is it that you really want? WRITE IT DOWN "What I want is...." can really help you focus on the right things and avoid getting sidetracked by things that aren't going to move you closer to your goal. One of my mentors calls these distractions as having "Bright, Shiny Object Syndrome" -- chasing every new and exciting idea that takes you away from your focus.

2. Where are you right now? Ask yourself this question in terms of your lifestyle, as well as income goals. Then break it down further, by asking yourself where you are right now, on a scale of 1 to 10. Further -- where are you in relation to your marketing plan? Oops -- don't have a marketing plan? You need to get one! Remember that other old saying, "if you don't know where you're going, any road will get you there"? Create a plan -- or get someone to help you to create one -- and then take off the blinders and ask yourself honestly, what it's going to take to get you there?

3. What is it costing you to stay the same? Imagine six months go by and you've done nothing toward your goal. What's your income going to be? What's going to be different? What is it costing you in terms of time, energy, self-esteem -- not just the financial cost? This way, before you make any decisions, you can be really clear about what you're saying yes or no to and what the cost is of not doing it.

4. What is your best option? After assigning a cost, you can better decide if you are better to:
- do nothing
- figure it out yourself -- and perhaps get "bloody" in the process
- get help from a mentor or expert*

*Beware of the "I can't afford to get help" mindset. If you want to change what you've been doing, in order to move ahead, you can't afford not to get help!

5. Now that you've decided on a course of action, how are you going to stay focused? A great way of staying focused on your goals is to mastermind. Find someone you respect and say, "Here's what I'm working on and I could use your help staying on track." Another great way of sticking to your commitment to yourself, is to write down exactly what you are going to be doing for the next 90 days -- and don't deviate from your plan.

So next time you look up into the magnificent blue sky and spy a hang-glider or parachute, remember that if the operator doesn't use her toggles, she's going to be up there for an awfully long time, with no particular direction in mind -- and could come to a crash-landing if distracted!

©2009 Karen Dodd International