Thursday, June 4, 2009

"Inside Every Woman There's a Millionaire...Part 1"

Have you always known there is something "special" about you, but have longed for someone to recognize that and help you draw it out?

For most of us, it is unlikely that a talent scout is going to notice us and put us in the movies. Or that someone will notice your flair for writing and align the earth, the moon and the stars, to help you get that book published. Instead, the reality is that just finding the road to success -- never mind navigating it -- is extremely hard work and it often takes breaking through your fears and limiting beliefs, to make it happen.

The key to success and fulfillment -- and therefore "wealth" -- is first, finding your unique gift and then, figuring out how to bring it to the world. Here's what I know for sure: you do not need someone giving you a motivational speech or telling you to just face the fear and do it anyway!

I'm presently reading a book that is hot off the press (in fact, I have the exciting distinction of being the first to order it online), called Women On Fire by Debbie Phillips. It's a heart-stirring and heartwarming anthology of stories written by twenty courageous and powerful women who faced real-life challenges and successfully moved through them to become authentic Women on Fire. The common thread that runs through most of these women's stories, is that prior to a life-changing event, they had been struggling to find themselves.

One of the book's contributors, Virginia (Ginny) Barney, relates how she went from a family tragedy, to volunteering, to finally finding her life's purpose as a city manager. She shares three questions that she now always asks herself when faced with a decision about what is best for her, as she navigates along the path to success. With credit to Ginny, I share these questions with you (they come from P.71 of the book Women on Fire).

1. Will it (whatever opportunity) use my gifts? We all have talents and skills. If I'm working and using mine, I'm happy and productive.

2. Can I make a difference? Even if I'm using my talents, I might not be able to move the organization along. If I'm not the right fit for the organization, it's not the right fit for me.

3. Will it be fun? Sure, there are difficult days in any job, but life should be enjoyable. If I dread going to work everyday, I'm not doing my best, and I'm not in the right place.

What a wonderfully simple filter system to help you make the best decision for not only yourself, but for those who will be impacted by your choices.

So what is it about YOU, that makes you unique?

If you're like me, you might have always known what your special gift is, but you may not know what it is that you actually do, that allows you to use that gift successfully. This is called being an "unconscious competent." You know what you're doing works but you couldn't necessarily explain or teach it to someone else.

Who Are You? While you may never intend to teach someone your skills, it is important that you can articulate what your innate talent is, in order to move forward with clear intention. So, take a few minutes right now to think about this and write it down clearly and concisely. Make it your 30 or 60-second commercial, so that if you were awakened from a coma, you'd be able to tell someone who you are and what you do (or aspire to do) with your special gift.

Having trouble with this part? Be sure to read "Karen Recommends" below, or go to my website to get more clarification.

What is your VISION for your life's purpose? My good friend and spiritual journeyer, Bonnie Hutchinson, calls this "aligning with your soul's purpose." She suggests sitting quietly and asking yourself if your intention is in alignment with your soul's purpose and your highest good. You'll likely get a "yes" or "no" feeling. If it's "yes," move on. If it's "no," ask for more information until you are confident that your intention is in alignment.

[Bonnie Hutchinson, Soul Power Wisdom Inc., helps you tap into the power of your soul's wisdom for a life and business of passion, purpose and prosperity. Visit for a free audio report, "7 Crucial Steps to Align Your Business and Your Soul.]

Being a millionaire means different things to different people. Although it could mean being worth $1M (not much these days!) or earning a million dollars, it could mean making a million friends before you die. Or touching a million lives with your financial support or volunteering your time. For others, it means feeling like a millionaire in the blessings you appreciate in your life and what you do. What is your unique definition of the Millionaire Inside Every Woman?

[Editor's note: Be sure to read next week's ezine to see Part 2 of Karen's article]

©2009 Karen Dodd International

Karen R. Dodd publishes the weekly e-zine 'In Focus: Success & Marketing Highlights' for solo-preneurs. If you are looking to jump-start your marketing, get true time leverage and have more fun in your business -- get your FREE tips now at