Thursday, July 30, 2009

Attract New Clients By Design

by Karen Dodd

In last week's article, I asked you to imagine waking up tomorrow morning to find that you have 3 new clients who are waving their hands and saying, "I'm ready to buy -- now!" They have self-selected, they are pre-qualified and are fully prepared to pay your fee or buy your product. You have attracted them, using a marketing system that works like a well-oiled machine and they have specifically sought you out because you are known as an expert in your niche.

What would this well-oiled "marketing system" look like, you ask. While it's impossible to go into a step-by-step discussion in this article, this would be a great time to probe a little deeper into the why, the how and the where of your marketing machine.

Let's start with why would you want to market. To attract clients and make more money would be the obvious answer, but I think that to market authentically, it goes deeper than that.

Just as each of us has God-given talents that define who we are and what our life purpose is, I believe we are obligated to share those talents with others. The only way of letting people know what we offer, is to market. Please do not confuse marketing with advertising. I know a lot of entrepreneurs -- the majority, actually-- who do all of their business through marketing, with no formal advertising whatsoever. I'm not saying you shouldn't advertise; I just want you to make that distinction, before we move on.

In the marketing world there are two basic types of marketing. One is called "push-through" marketing and the other is "pull through" marketing. An example of push-through marketing is just about everything you see on television that plugs a product or service. This method relies very heavily -- if not exclusively -- on advertising. Advertising can be expensive and unless you know what you're doing, it often does not provide the return on investment that a small business owner needs. It definitely doesn't work overnight.

Pull-through marketing on the other hand, is really what it sounds like. Due to your personality, your compelling marketing methods and your visibility, it's like extending a hand to a prospect who literally is looking for the lifeline you offer them. Through your marketing efforts, they see YOU as the way to avoid pain (less cost, less stress) or to achieve gain (time freedom, more income, more expertise).

In order to use pull-through marketing effectively, it's critical that you do 4 things:

1. Get 100%, undeniably, irrefutably, crystal clear on who your target market is.
The biggest mistake I see entrepreneurs make is they are afraid to narrow their niche, especially when they're first starting out. It's natural to want to be all things to all people because you're trying to get your business up and running and in the black as soon as possible, right? Wrong. This is one of those times when you want to "slow down to speed up." Take the time necessary to figure out exactly who your market is -- and in turn it will make the next steps a lot easier.

Mentoring challenge: Write a profile of your ideal client or customer. Give him or her a name, their age, where they live, their lifestyle, married, get the idea. You're not always going to be able attract the absolute ideal client all the time, but aim high -- it will give you much more clarity with which to craft your marketing message. Later, when you get so busy you have to turn away business (yes, it will happen!) you will be much better able to prioritize which clients to work with.

2. Get really clear on what your ideal client's biggest problems are.
Again, clarity is critical because if you can't tell someone in 30 - 60 seconds why you and your product or service are the absolute best option to solve their problem, your lack of clarity will consciously or unconsciously affect their decision-making. What I often see happening in this area, is that you tell the prospect about your process rather than the desired outcome they can expect when they work with you.

Mentoring challenge: Write out your "60-second commercial" and practice it with a friend -- or ideally a mastermind buddy -- who will give you honest feedback.
Avoid using labels to describe what you do. Instead of telling someone you're an accountant, tell them what you can do for them that will make their life easier. Be crystal clear about what you offer and not only what's in it for them -- but why you are clearly the best person to serve their needs. If you are not sure what they need or why you're the one, you need to drill down until you are.

3. Mirror their motivators in your written, verbal and online marketing.
When you know who your ideal client is and what their typical biggest problems are, you are in an ideal position to mirror that back to them at every opportunity. This is not being manipulative; it is being helpful. Your prospects don't need more friends; they need the right person to solve their problems. Be sure to use the solutions you provide in your tag line, on your business cards, on your website...everywhere. When you know what motivates your ideal client you have real, usable and powerful information in the palm of your hands. Use it!

Mentoring challenge: Write down all the problems that your ideal prospect brings to you. Reflect back on real issues that have come up, and then write out exactly -- using their language -- what you would mirror back in your solution. Make sure that your marketing materials have all the components of what prospects will get by working with you, what makes you unique in what you do and weave in some examples of other clients you've worked with, that addressed this same problem.

4. What to do if you're not yet an "expert" in your field.
As an entrepreneur, do not discount the advantage of having a Ph.D in results. Yes, it would be nice if you had written a book or been interviewed on TV, radio and in newspapers -- but we all have to start somewhere. If you have chosen a particular niche, it is often because you had that particular problem and there was no one at that time, to help you with it. When you share your compelling story in your online or offline marketing, it very often draws them to you (pull-through marketing) and your solutions. On your website or in your brochure, ask questions like, "Do you find yourself struggling with...?" or "Are you frustrated by...?"

On a personal note, I have had clients work with me solely because when I related my story, it hit them so hard in their own heart, that they instantly were attracted to me and they knew I could help them. Never underestimate the power of an emotional connection with someone. As small business owners or independent associates, that's one of the edges we have over huge corporations.

Mentoring challenge:
ASK, ASK, ASK rather than tell, tell, tell! As I'm talking about marketing versus sales here, I mean this rhetorically. If you're not sure what I mean, go to my homepage at and see what the first thing is that jumps out at you?

Finally, it's virtually impossible to change and improve your marketing machine without help (otherwise you'd be doing it, right?) We all need the help of mentors or role-models. It's a cliche, but we don't know what we don't know.

Now you know Why you want to market and a little bit of the How, you need to implement the What. Find a marketing mentor or coach who fits your personality, and who can teach you their specific, step-by-step marketing system. You want to choose a coach you feel comfortable with, but remember -- you want someone who is going to challenge you, much like playing tennis with someone who is "better" than you. You can't continue doing the same thing and expect different results.

I know for sure -- that this hot and muggy morning, I definitely would have quit my Pilates routine had my personal trainer not been there to challenge and encourage me! Likewise, if someone isn't there to coach and guide you to better performance in your business, the more things will remain the same.

[Editor's note: Karen is available to work with you one-on-one, to help you identify your market niche and automate your marketing strategy, so you can work less and enjoy more income. Please email her at for more information.]

©2009 Karen Dodd International

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