Wednesday, November 11, 2009

7 Ways to Accomplish More By Doing Less

What do super achievers like Donald Trump, Richard Branson, Colin Powell and Oprah have in common? They actually work less than the majority of us, while accomplishing substantially more. "Well sure." you say, "they've got people to do so much for them. I'm just me -- trying to do it all!"
To a certain extent that is true but they also found early on -- before they were enormously successful -- that if they followed certain principles, they could be laser-focused when they worked, but still have the luxury of a balanced lifestyle to spend with friends and family.

In today's age of mega communication via email, cell phones, instant messaging and the like, it is easy to get caught up in the addiction of always doing, doing, doing. The toll of constantly being in motion, is evident by many of us feeling that we've become "human doings" rather than human beings.

Here are  7 strategies that work for super achievers that might work for you:

1. Learn to stop doing. By employing the  Pereto Principle -- the 80/20 rule that says 20 percent of your activity produces 80 percent of your results -- you can focus on activities that meet this criteria. Figure out what activities are getting you closer to your goals and reduce, eliminate, or  delegate the rest. A great way to stay on track is before each task, ask yourself, "Is what I am about to do, getting me closer to my goal?" If the answer is "no," consider doing something else with that time.

2. Create boundaries and protect your energy. You know you're a workaholic, when you or your friends and family feel there is no delineation between your work and your personal life. This is especially true for those who work from home. Learn to say no and "retrain" your clients and colleagues that you are not available 24/7. Some people will push what you will tolerate, to the limit -- putting your health and relationships with those you love, at risk. Set your boundaries, share them "gently" with those you need to and then stick to them.

3. Indulge more in continuing education and self-development. Some people look down on those they consider to be "self-help junkies." However, the reality is that individuals who don't just skim or read something -- but really process and digest the information -- train their minds to focus on important principles that help balance the stress of dealing with constant change. Rather than watching or listening to information passively, you'll find yourself much better able to focus when others fall victim to the many distractions we all encounter. The "self-help" part is almost a side bonus.
4. We all know the story of the tortoise and the hare. While you may feel the pressure to keep up with the hare who  leaps off to a fast start and pushes to finish the race first, the slow and steady pace of the tortoise, often wins in the long run. Making a commitment to work at your own natural pace, as well as aiming more for consistency than speed, can go a long way to getting a lot accomplished without burning out. It's not about how you start; it's if you continue that matters.

5. Legendary motivational speaker, Jim Rohn, calls the management of time, the "best-kept secret of the rich." Time is the one thing under which we are all equal. No one person has less or more than another. In a recent issue of Oprah, renowned heart surgeon, Dr. Oz, says, "It's not about time management. It's about energy management. The things you do in your life should give you that zest for life." Look for ways to get a better "Return on Energy" (ROE). By being more observant of what tasks and time frames energize you, versus which ones zap your strength, you're better able to determine what activies you should spend less or more time on, what you should be delegating, and what needs to be eliminated altogether.

6. Often, the hardest thing for self-motivated, entrepreneurially-minded people to do, is to ask for help. However, one of the greatest success disciplines of superachievers, is delegation. By constantly asking yourself,"Is what I am doing right now, the best possible use of my time?" you can tap into the highest use of your genius. It's unlikely that you'd see Donald Trump, Richard Branson or Oprah, filing, cleaning or doing their own taxes. You don't have to be fabulously wealthy to hire people to do some of the jobs that don't require your genius. Look for creative ways to hire as needed or even barter someone elses expertise for yours. Once you delegate to someone, trust them to do their job and get out of their way.

7. Take time off to recharge your batteries. If you're one of those people who feel guilty when you take time off, you might feel better to know that studies have shown that as North Americans, we take less vacation days than any other industrialized nation. Therefore, it shouldn't be surprising that we also are experiencing burnout, depression, heart disease and cancer at staggering rates. Taking time off is a critical component of staying healthy and productive. Whether you choose to be active in your time off or just enjoy doing nothing, we all need to incorporate regular breaks and celebrations into our busy lives.

Your Assignment (something easy this week):

Instead of making endless to-do lists that become more ovewhelming as the week progresses, try writing down just three major activities you want to achieve. Then, at the end of each day, take 5 or 10 minutes to "cashout." Look at what you actually accomplished and if necessary, refine your plan for the next day. Likewise, cash out at the end of every week and every month.

I hope that you will take some time to stop and re-examine your work habits and how you can incorporate some of these ideas into your business life, so that you can be happier, healthier, and more productive.

©2009 Karen Dodd Group of Companies

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Karen Dodd, Marketing and Client Attraction Specialist, is founder of the New Clients By Design Blueprint System(TM), the Ultimate Formula to attract more clients, make more income and carve out the time-freedom that made you start your business in the first place. To get your F.R.E.E. audio CD by mail and receive Karen's popular weekly ezine that focuses on marketing & client attraction highlights, visit