Monday, November 23, 2009

How Women Have a Marketing Edge

Authenticity is defined in Webster's dictionary as the quality of being trustworthy, or genuine. Yesterday, I met with yet another female entrepreneur who echoed what I've been saying for some time. Even though both of us came up through the "traditional" ranks of sales and sales training, neither of us felt comfortable or authentic, employing the techniques we had been taught -- largely by men. Although we both established successful careers using these techniques, they were the first things we dropped from our repertoires when we went out on our own.

Thank goodness, astute women are realizing that we don't need to act or work like men, to get ahead. In fact, many recent studies have shown that we can literally kill ourselves by trying to work the same way as men. As women, we have innate attributes that give us an incredible edge in business -- particularly in today's still-fragile economy. Let's face it, the state of our present economy is as much about trust (or lack thereof) and authenticity, as it is about money.

One of the enviable attributes that women have in business (and in particular, marketing) is that we have a different way of looking at things. By having very good social-perception and the ability to empathize, females tend to be extremely effective at negotiating and bringing people together. Women's intuition -- not always looked upon as a professional skill -- is tremendously helpful in picking up clues that are not necessarily voiced by the person with whom we are communicating. I think that this innate ability to pick up on unseen messages is what makes us really good in the new realm of "virtual business." It allows us to be so much more effective in conducting teleseminars and working with virtual assistants, prospects and clients, where we don't always have the ability to see each other face-to-face.

The ability to see things on the radar that our male counterparts may overlook, is another powerful difference in how we lead. In my opinion, marketing is more about leadership and communicating, than it is about the ability to sell. Our communication skills allow us to connect with prospects, team-members and others in a way that builds that all-important Know, Like and Trust Factor. Techniques or specifics of your particular industry can add another layer of competency, but it's the underlying connection that builds the foundation of success in your chosen field. As coach and writer, Martha Beck said, "Real power is usually unspectacular, a simple setting aside of fear that allows the free flow of love. But it changes everything."

We are seeing more and more high-profile women working to forge "partnerships of purpose," a term that British Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, recently coined. On commenting about moving forward in these trying times, Mr. Brown said that we conquer our fear of the future, with our faith in the future. Taking that one step further, more of our prospective clients are looking to conquer their distrust of how they've been sold or marketed to in the past -- by placing their business with people with whom they can have faith.

How can women's authenticity be detrimental? As with every positive, there is a polar opposite. In general, women are not as good at self-promotion as men. Recent studies show that while men often exaggerate their accomplishments (we all know that really big-fish story, right?) women frequently downplay their accomplishments. In mentoring clients, I often find that women are so good at deferring praise to their support or team-members, that they actually give away their power.

Your Assignment, Should You Choose To Accept It:

Make a list of at least 5 accomplishments or moments in your life when you were most proud. Attribute emotions and feelings that you experienced that made each of those moments memorable.
What is it you're most self-satisfied about?
Tip: Don't give away your power by saying I'm most proud of having had my children. How could you re-phrase that? Perhaps something like, "I'm most proud of the values that I have taught my kids which is reflected in how they treat others."

Make sure that your list of accomplishments includes at least some that relate to success in business or your career. Again, as wives and mothers, we tend to downplay or negate business achievements in favor of what we do for our families. Men seldom do that.

Now, find a way to weave your accomplishments into your 30- or 60-second "elevator speech." Ladies: this is NOT bragging! If you don't have a good elevator speech that positions yourself in your niche, that outlines your accomplishments, how are your prospects going to see why they should place their trust in you and your competency? It's not enough for you to know you're doing a great job -- you've got to be recognized for that. It's called "shameless self-promotion."
Tip: I teach you how to craft a really good elevator speech in my one-on-one coaching and my mentoring programs, by the way:>)

Write down three to five names of female leaders you admire and the qualities that you admire in them. You might want to pick up some biographies of women you look up to. Examples that come to mind are Oprah Winfrey, Sarah Palin (whether you agree with her or not:>) Ellen Degeneres, or Maya Angelou. Your leaders might not be household names, but there is something about them that you admire and perhaps aspire to.
Tip: Don't make the mistake of thinking that your role models don't brag about themselves. While that might seem true on the outside, I guarantee you that in order to achieve the levels of success they have, they've engaged in frequent self-promotion.

Next time you're in a tough spot or needing to make an important decision, ask yourself: how would so-and-so handle that? What would she do in my situation?

Whether it's marketing, sales or leading others, our authenticity and genuineness of purpose are the most important attributes we bring to the business arena. The only thing that keeps us from being authentic is fear: fear of what people might think, fear of offending others or of being hurt ourselves -- whatever it might be for you. Don't let that fear of showing people who you really are, hold you back from your greatness. Today, more than ever before -- this is your time to shine.

Now that you're ready to use some of these principles to build your business, don't forget that you'll need really compelling marketing to communicate your message authentically and effectively. If you are tired of trying bits and pieces of various programs that just don't seem to fit together or work for you, then it's time to take action and invest in a step-by-step Blueprint that will cut months, if not years, off your client attraction program. The New Clients By Design Blueprint(TM) is your ultimate system that contains only the steps that work and that build on each other. No fluff, no new-fangled ideas that sound good but in reality, don't work or only work for a few. This system will position you head and shoulders above the competition in your niche, and allow you to play bigger, faster. It will teach you how set up the systems once, that will have you attracting all the ideal clients you need naturally and comfortably, forever. This is the ultimate system all in one place, that you can implement quickly, easily and without spending a fortune. Everything you need -- the tools, scripts, templates, have all been designed with efficiency but simplicity, in mind. You can get it at NewClients By

©2009 Karen Dodd Group of Companies

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR EZINE OR WEBSITE? No problem! But here's what you MUST include:

Karen Dodd, Marketing and Client Attraction Specialist, is founder of the New Clients By Design Blueprint System(TM), the Ultimate Formula to attract more clients, make more income and carve out the time-freedom that made you start your business in the first place. To get your F.R.E.E. audio CD by mail and receive Karen's popular weekly ezine that focuses on marketing & client attraction highlights, visit

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

7 Ways to Accomplish More By Doing Less

What do super achievers like Donald Trump, Richard Branson, Colin Powell and Oprah have in common? They actually work less than the majority of us, while accomplishing substantially more. "Well sure." you say, "they've got people to do so much for them. I'm just me -- trying to do it all!"
To a certain extent that is true but they also found early on -- before they were enormously successful -- that if they followed certain principles, they could be laser-focused when they worked, but still have the luxury of a balanced lifestyle to spend with friends and family.

In today's age of mega communication via email, cell phones, instant messaging and the like, it is easy to get caught up in the addiction of always doing, doing, doing. The toll of constantly being in motion, is evident by many of us feeling that we've become "human doings" rather than human beings.

Here are  7 strategies that work for super achievers that might work for you:

1. Learn to stop doing. By employing the  Pereto Principle -- the 80/20 rule that says 20 percent of your activity produces 80 percent of your results -- you can focus on activities that meet this criteria. Figure out what activities are getting you closer to your goals and reduce, eliminate, or  delegate the rest. A great way to stay on track is before each task, ask yourself, "Is what I am about to do, getting me closer to my goal?" If the answer is "no," consider doing something else with that time.

2. Create boundaries and protect your energy. You know you're a workaholic, when you or your friends and family feel there is no delineation between your work and your personal life. This is especially true for those who work from home. Learn to say no and "retrain" your clients and colleagues that you are not available 24/7. Some people will push what you will tolerate, to the limit -- putting your health and relationships with those you love, at risk. Set your boundaries, share them "gently" with those you need to and then stick to them.

3. Indulge more in continuing education and self-development. Some people look down on those they consider to be "self-help junkies." However, the reality is that individuals who don't just skim or read something -- but really process and digest the information -- train their minds to focus on important principles that help balance the stress of dealing with constant change. Rather than watching or listening to information passively, you'll find yourself much better able to focus when others fall victim to the many distractions we all encounter. The "self-help" part is almost a side bonus.
4. We all know the story of the tortoise and the hare. While you may feel the pressure to keep up with the hare who  leaps off to a fast start and pushes to finish the race first, the slow and steady pace of the tortoise, often wins in the long run. Making a commitment to work at your own natural pace, as well as aiming more for consistency than speed, can go a long way to getting a lot accomplished without burning out. It's not about how you start; it's if you continue that matters.

5. Legendary motivational speaker, Jim Rohn, calls the management of time, the "best-kept secret of the rich." Time is the one thing under which we are all equal. No one person has less or more than another. In a recent issue of Oprah, renowned heart surgeon, Dr. Oz, says, "It's not about time management. It's about energy management. The things you do in your life should give you that zest for life." Look for ways to get a better "Return on Energy" (ROE). By being more observant of what tasks and time frames energize you, versus which ones zap your strength, you're better able to determine what activies you should spend less or more time on, what you should be delegating, and what needs to be eliminated altogether.

6. Often, the hardest thing for self-motivated, entrepreneurially-minded people to do, is to ask for help. However, one of the greatest success disciplines of superachievers, is delegation. By constantly asking yourself,"Is what I am doing right now, the best possible use of my time?" you can tap into the highest use of your genius. It's unlikely that you'd see Donald Trump, Richard Branson or Oprah, filing, cleaning or doing their own taxes. You don't have to be fabulously wealthy to hire people to do some of the jobs that don't require your genius. Look for creative ways to hire as needed or even barter someone elses expertise for yours. Once you delegate to someone, trust them to do their job and get out of their way.

7. Take time off to recharge your batteries. If you're one of those people who feel guilty when you take time off, you might feel better to know that studies have shown that as North Americans, we take less vacation days than any other industrialized nation. Therefore, it shouldn't be surprising that we also are experiencing burnout, depression, heart disease and cancer at staggering rates. Taking time off is a critical component of staying healthy and productive. Whether you choose to be active in your time off or just enjoy doing nothing, we all need to incorporate regular breaks and celebrations into our busy lives.

Your Assignment (something easy this week):

Instead of making endless to-do lists that become more ovewhelming as the week progresses, try writing down just three major activities you want to achieve. Then, at the end of each day, take 5 or 10 minutes to "cashout." Look at what you actually accomplished and if necessary, refine your plan for the next day. Likewise, cash out at the end of every week and every month.

I hope that you will take some time to stop and re-examine your work habits and how you can incorporate some of these ideas into your business life, so that you can be happier, healthier, and more productive.

©2009 Karen Dodd Group of Companies

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR EZINE OR WEBSITE? No problem! But here's what you MUST include:

Karen Dodd, Marketing and Client Attraction Specialist, is founder of the New Clients By Design Blueprint System(TM), the Ultimate Formula to attract more clients, make more income and carve out the time-freedom that made you start your business in the first place. To get your F.R.E.E. audio CD by mail and receive Karen's popular weekly ezine that focuses on marketing & client attraction highlights, visit

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Finding Your "Voice" In All That You Do

Finding your voice is not just done in writing, although that's where we tend to hear about it most. This term simply refers to who you are, coming through in your written, verbal and non-verbal communications with others. Whether you are compassionate, have a sense of humor, are straight forward and authentic, are examples of qualities that can be expressed in your voice. In my opinion, your voice is the real deal.

Sometimes -- often without meaning to -- we copy someone else and it's not our voice, but theirs that comes across. I had personal experience with this not long ago. I'm known for sending out a lot of handwritten cards, using just about any occasion as an excuse! (I've found a great close-second source of cards that are virtually "handwritten"; here's my link to check it out and send someone a sample card on

A little while back I had sent out a handwritten card to acknowledge someone who had registered for one of my live events. The recipient, who has known me for a number of years, acknowledged the card but said that it didn't "sound like me." (thank you, Penny:>) Although it definitely was me that wrote the card, I later realized that somewhere along the line I had picked up the "voice" of someone else that I admire and respect. She is very authentic in her way -- but I am not her and that obviously came across.

One of the conundrums (I just love that word!) I see with people is that as they seek out and learn new ways to market, communicate and attract new clients, they feel that by using these new tools, they aren't being themselves. As with anything, if you're not comfortable with something, others are going to pick up on it.

So, what can you to do when you want to push yourself out of your comfort zone and implement new strategies and principles -- but still retain the authentic you? I believe that while you need to let go of the old in order to make room for the new, you also need to feel comfortable that you are maintaining what makes you the unique person that people around you know, like and trust.

1. Make sure that you choose the right person and their techniques to copycat. As the saying goes, "it's okay to copycat as long as you're copying the right cat!" In other words, be sure to take the time to find out all you can about a person, their company and the products you are considering purchasing. Or, get referrals from people you like and respect, who have used this person's coaching or products in the past. Then, trust your gut. If you can't relate to someone, no matter how well their techniques might work for others, they aren't going to work for you. I recommend you take any free teleclasses they might be offering, watch videos or listen to their audio messages on their website. Generally study who they are and what they stand for, to determine if they'll be a good fit for you.

2. Ensure that you know the difference between being reluctant to pushing yourself out of your comfort zone, versus learning new things that are necessary for your success. I believe that if you are comfortable that the person teaching you is using sound and solid principles and are experts in their field, there is always a way to take that information and make it your own. With some exceptions (where the efficacy of something working requires you to repeat it verbatim), take the principles or bullet points of a new technique and put them into your own words. Another great reason for this, is so that you're not plagiarizing someone else's work.

3. If you always keep the best interests of the person with whom you're communicating in mind, you will be mindful to speak with them and not at them. Our prospects have never been as well informed and savvy as they are today. I've written about this in the past, but it bears repeating. If you are transparent and authentic in your dealings with people, you do not need to use thinly-veiled "sales techniques" on them. Marketing is something you do with your public, not to them. Rather than regarding prospects as walking wallets, observe the difference when you truly engage them and just be yourself. Remember, in most cases, it is you that they buy, long before purchasing your products and services.

Your Assignment:

1. In an sincere effort to reach out and connect with your prospects, clients or colleagues, make it a point to send out 2 short notes or cards, every day next week. I'm talking snail mail here, not e-cards or emails. With so much being done by the Internet, people really take notice when you take the time to send them a note in the mail. Perhaps you want to congratulate them on something in their business or personal life, or send some encouraging words their way. If you want to combine the best of high-tech with high-touch, click here to send a fre*e card, my treat. I guarantee you -- you'll be hooked!

2. Make it a point this week, to search out a speaker, mentor, writer, whose work you admire and research what they have to offer. If you're not growing in your business, you're dying. Just as you'd be committed to learning more about your craft or profession, make it a priority to expand your horizons mentally, spiritually, or different ways to grow your business. Hop on a free teleclass or sign up for someone's newsletter or any fre*e reports that they may be offering. It's a great way to break out of a rut and look at new and creative ways of doing life and business.

3. Reach out by making a "just checking in" call to someone you've been meaning to approach or follow up with. I'm constantly surprised how when I catch up with an old acquaintance, the Universe sets the wheels in motion for us to work together or do something that comes up at that very moment in time. And then I think, gosh, why didn't I make that call sooner -- only to realize that this was the absolute perfect time!

Now that you're ready to use your unique voice to build your business,don't forget that you'll need really compelling marketing to communicate your message authentically and effectively. If you are tired of trying bits and pieces of various programs that just don't seem to fit together or work for you, then it's time to take action and invest in a step-by-stepBlueprint that will cut months, if not years, off your client attraction program. The New Clients By Design Blueprint(TM) is your ultimate system that contains only the steps that work and that build on each other. No fluff, no new-fangled ideas that sound good but in reality, don't work or only work for a few. This system will position you head and shoulders above the competition in your niche, and allow you to play bigger, faster. It will teach you how setup the systems once, that will have you attracting all the ideal clients you need naturally and comfortably, forever. This is the ultimate system all in one place, that you can implement quickly, easily and without spending a fortune. Everything you need -- the tools, scripts, templates, have all been designed with efficiency but simplicity, in mind. You can get it at New Clients By

©2009 New Clients ByDesign

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR EZINE OR WEBSITE? No problem! But here's what you MUST include:

Karen Dodd, Marketing and Client Attraction Specialist, is founder of the New Clients By Design Blueprint System(TM), the Ultimate Formula to attract more clients, make more income and carve out the time-freedom that made you start your business in the first place. To get your F.R.E.E. audio CD by mail and receive Karen's popular weekly ezine that focuses on marketing & client attraction highlights, visit

Thursday, October 15, 2009

3 Ways To Network Authentically

by Karen Dodd

Several years ago -- I had to come to terms with the fact that as a supposed "marketer extraordinaire," I possessed a dirty little secret. I both feared and loathed networking functions. The thought of one more 6am breakfast meeting or another after-five "mixer" left me feeling nauseous. While I recognize not everyone feels the way I did, I find that most entrepreneurs feel varying degrees of discomfort around networking events. At the very least, they wonder how they could use these opportunities more effectively. Some will tell you that networking just flat out doesn't work. I'm here to tell you: it works if you hone your networking skills to get results.

Just over a year ago, I decided it was time to put my "icky" feelings aside and get back out and try again. I ended up going to a few different networking groups several times as a guest, until I settled on just two groups that I both enjoyed and that resulted in great "results." So, I think that is the first most important key: find just one or two groups that you enjoy and actually look forward to attending.

Additionally, here are 3 keys that if you are willing to change your paradigm and do things differently, you will see significantly different results.

1. Rather than seeing how many business cards you can collect and give out, make it a point to focus on three to five quality interactions. One of the things I appreciate most about a group that I chose to network with, is that we each have one minute to talk about ourselves at the table of eight at which we're sitting. And then, we switch tables just once. That way, it is much less intimidating for new or shy attendees and it tends to be a very supportive environment. So, if you are part of the organizing committee of a networking event, try using this technique as opposed to trying to work the whole room.

If you are forced into a whole-room free-for-all, you will surprise and delight your fellow networker if you ask about them and their business first. The number one thing that has changed the outcome of my interactions at networking events, is to say something like, "Susan, I meet a lot of people in the course of my work. How would I know if someone I'm talking to would be an ideal client for your business?"

I promise you -- people will be taken aback! Just try it -- and let me know how it works for you. When you use this approach, it is much more likely for the other person to take a sincere interest in you, when it's your turn to talk about your business.

2. When introducing yourself and what you do, refrain from using "labels" or explaining the process of how you do what you do. Instead, ask two or three "disturbing" questions of your fellow networkers and then give them your "transformation" statement. For example, instead of saying "I'm so-and-so and I'm a mortgage broker (your label)", instead say, "Have you ever struggled with whether you should just deal with your bank or felt frustrated about which of so many mortgage brokers to go to? Well , what I do is take all of that guess work out of the equation for you, so that you have peace of mind, whether you're a first-time buyer or are refinancing (your transformation statement)."

I can't tell you the number of times that I have witnessed someone drone on and on about why we should use his or her products and how they're better for us and the environment -- only to watch people's eyes glaze over -- because there was nothing said to engage them. And most of us don't like being lectured to!

There is a time and place to get into your features, benefits and your process of how you work with a client, but it is not at a networking introduction. You are never going to get to that point if you can't communicate how working with you or your product can transform their life or business.

3. Be crystal clear about what you are looking for by way of referrals. Don't assume that even if people understand what you do, they know what it is you need to build your business. For instance, you might be in direct sales and although more sales are always good, you might be looking for more people to join your sales team who want to work part-time from home, earn extra income and find a way to eventually leave their corporate job. By having the utmost clarity in who your ideal client is and what "transformation" you create for them, you are more likely to attract the right kind of referrals. People want to give referrals -- they just don't always know how. It's our job to educate them.
Your Assignment:
1. Write your 60-second networking or elevator speech. Try using all or parts of this model:
Are you frustrated by...
Do you often struggle with...
Is it sometimes difficult to...
Do you sometimes wish you could...

2.Craft your transformation/solution statement
Well, I help__________(who) do __________(what) so that they can __________(result)."

Tip: Remember that your transformation or solution statement is about them -- not you!)

If you're still struggling with this, think about the top questions or concerns that your past and current clients have voiced to you. Why did they come to you? Know what problems they would do anything or pay anything to solve. That becomes your transformational value.

3. Once you come up with something you're comfortable with, use that on the back of your business cards, on your website, in your email signature...everywhere!

At the beginning of this article, I mentioned that you want to hone your networking skills to get "results." I was very fortunate that at both of the groups I chose to attend only as a guest, I actually got business right away from each. All that means to me is that I've learned to effectively communicate effectively what it is I do and why someone would want to work with me. Now, there is rarely a meeting I attend that I don't get at least one person coming up to get more information on how they can work with me.

However, receiving business immediately should not be your objective. Effective, authentic, and heart centered networking requires patience. People buy from those they know, like and trust -- and that usually takes time. So -- that means that effective follow-up is critical.

Be sure to read next week's article, where I'll discuss follow-up in detail.

Need some help to figure out how to really focus in on implementing these tips? Then be sure to go to my website to get more information about my Inside Every Woman There's a Millionaire® programs. Click here to find out about events, tools and resources.

[Editor's note: Karen is available to work with you one-on-one, to help you identify your niche and implement a step-by-step strategy to build your business and attract your ideal clients. Please email her at for more information.]

©2009 Karen Dodd Group of Companies

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR EZINE OR WEBSITE? No problem! But here's what you MUST include:
Working with everyone from moms to millionaires, Karen Dodd helps you connect with your unique gifts and talents, ignite your passion, and take inspired action so you can Focus On The Dream(TM). To learn how you can start or move your business to a level that you've only dreamed of, register now for Karen's free articles at:

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Overwhelmed? Focus On The Right Things

by Karen Dodd

By nature, entrepreneurs are usually asking themselves, What's next? And with so many great ideas, it's often difficult to stay focused and not get overwhelmed. Give yourself permission to be okay with where you are right now. That doesn't mean you are resting on your laurels and won't continue to grow, but the key is to let yourself enjoy where you are in the present. You'll find this is a much better place from which to move forward -- when you've savored the moment and you're ready to move to the next project.

Examine how you can take what you love doing and leverage your time. Whether you are a coach or you're in sales, look for ways to share your message once but to many people. For example, rather than making a presentation to ten people one-by-one, consider doing a seminar or teleclass where you can reach more people simultaneously. "Seminar selling," as it is referred to, is being used more and more by everyone from financial planners to fitness professionals.

Use your sense of purpose to guide your slight edge decision-making. Ikigai is an Okinawan term for sense of purpose. Keep your sense of purpose rooted in all that you do. On a daily basis, ask yourself this question, What can I do to make the world a better place? And on an hourly or decision-by-decision basis, ask yourself, Is what I am doing now, directly contributing to my goal (or purpose)? If the answer is "no," then look at how you can refocus by doing the right task at that moment.

This is what Ralph Marston recently said on the subject of purpose, in his Daily Motivators.

"Where there is purpose, there is energy. Actions directed toward a compelling purpose will create a powerful momentum that lines up events and circumstances in your favor. Purpose gives you a reason to get going each day and strengthens your determination to persist when the going gets tough. Purpose pushes you firmly toward your highest level of accomplishment."

Don't make the mistake of thinking that you're living your purpose even when you're in the job or business of your dreams. What the heck does that mean, you ask?

The best analogy I can think of is someone who hypothetically has scrimped and saved and studied to put herself through medical school and is now a physician at one of the best hospitals in the country. However if she is overworked, stressed and feeling disconnected from her patients, she has probably lost the passion and zest for the sense of purpose that propelled her into her profession in the first place.

So, even if you're working in a field that you're passionate about, be sure to take the time to reconnect with your craft, the people -- the sense of fulfillment and satisfaction that attracted you in the first place.
Your Assignment:
Are you fully present or are you always thinking of "what's next?" Ask yourself these questions:
1. What are some truly great and significant successes that I have already achieved in my business? (this would be your "brag to myself list.")
2. Am I taking regular times out to savor and celebrate where I am and what I've already accomplished?
3. What 2 things could I celebrate today by giving myself little rewards (a walk on the beach, your favorite latte, a massage)?
Write down one way that you could "leverage" what you are currently doing one-to-one that would allow you to use your time more effectively and reach more people. Could you do a paid or free seminar or teleclass? Could you put a short audio or video up on your website or on YouTube? Use your imagination and get creative. The key is not working more hours but rather, working less while reaching more people and creating leveraged or passive income.

Write these three things down and put them where you'll see them every hour of every day (your office wall, on your computer, whatever):

1. "Is what I am about to do right now, taking me closer to or further away from my goal?"
2. "Focus Only On (your current project) Until Completion."
3. "What can I do today to make the world (yours, your clients') a better place?"

Write down three reasons that made you get into your business in the first place and then ask yourself, Do I get to do these things in my business on a regular basis? If not, identify three ways you can re-connect with your passion immediately -- and do them!

If you are truly living and working your passion and purpose, you will never have to work a day in your life!

Need some help to figure out how to really focus in on implementing these tips? Then be sure to go to my website to get more information about my Inside Every Woman There's a Millionaire® Programs. Click here to find out about events, tools and resources.

[Editor's note: Karen is available to work with you one-on-one, to help you identify your niche and implement a step-by-step strategy to build your business and attract your ideal clients. Please email her at for more information.]

©2009 Karen Dodd Group of Companies

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR EZINE OR WEBSITE? No problem! But here's what you MUST include:
Working with everyone from moms to millionaires, Karen Dodd helps you connect with your unique gifts and talents, ignite your passion, and take inspired action so you can Focus On The Dream(TM). To learn how you can start or move your business to a level that you've only dreamed of, register now for Karen's free articles at:

Thursday, September 24, 2009

7 Ways To Tell If It's Time To Fire Your Boss!

by Karen Dodd

I remember once asking a happily married friend, how I would know when "he's the one?" She took my hand, looked me straight in the eyes and gently said, "Trust me Karen, you'll just know."

It might be with similar fear and trepidation, that you approach the question of whether or not to leave your job, in order to start your own business. It can become an even more difficult decision, given the current economy.

I believe strongly in starting your business part-time, while you still have the security of a steady paycheck and benefits. However, there are some unmistakable signs when it may be best for you to move out of working for someone else, in order to focus on your dream of having your own business.

1. When Sunday night or Monday morning has your stomach in knots. If you are one of those people I see rushing in and out of offices, who seem downright miserable, consider that a definite "clue." If the mere smell of your office tower makes you nauseous -- or the elevator seems to close in on you, as you ascend to your floor, you need to move on. No amount of money or "security" is worth that. Starting your own business allows you to work where you want and with whom you want. Once you are firmly established, it will even allow you to work when you want.

2. You've become the "rainmaker" for your company or division. Consistent referrals probably have more to do with you personally, than with your company. Knowing you are highly referable and sought after can be a great time to start your own business. Similarly, when clients try to hire you away from your company, this would be the optimum time to move out and hang up your own shingle.

3. You have become your job. It's hard to remember where your workday ends and your personal life begins. Early mornings, late night and weekends are starting to take their toll -- and you resent it. Even though you may be working very long hours in your own business when you start out, the time you get to spend on it whizzes by, and you'll find limitless energy because you are doing it for YOU. Later, the fact that you are your own boss will provide you with much more flexibility, both financially and time-wise.

4. You are the type of person who others want to follow and you attract people who want to support and help you. Having clients who would be willing to follow you, or people willing to mentor and help you, are incredibly valuable resources. Be mindful of attracting those types of people into your life and build your network as large as possible before you jump into entrepreneurship.

5. You know in your heart you are only biding time. If you don't see yourself staying to collect your pension and gold watch, you might as well make the move to self-employment sooner rather than later. Don't run the risk of losing your spark and having regrets later. If you've taken financial measures to plan for your corporate exit, that's great. That means you're taking a calculated risk rather than acting impulsively. However, there will never be that perfect time or exact amount of money in your savings account. Sometimes you just need to do it!

6. You're feeling inauthentic and are holding back from contributing ideas because you'd like to use them yourself. Whether you are simply not passionate about your company's cause or you are being asked to do things that don't match with your principles, the stress of not doing what you love and feel good about, will eventually take its toll on your emotional, physical and spiritual health. If on the other hand, you stay awake thinking of fabulous ideas but are not contributing them in your workplace, its a sure sign you should start a business you are passionate about and that is aligned with your values.

7. You keep seeing new products come on the market and you say, "Dang, I should have done that!" Think the Spanx hosiery and line of undies. How many times did you cut off one leg of your pantyhose and wear two tops when you were young?! Seriously, you clearly have a creative mind, you're observant and you're responsive to the marketplace. By recognizing a need and how to fill it, you have an excellent likelihood of being successful in your own venture.

If even a few of these keys resonate with you, you need to seriously explore when would be the right time to burn your corporate bridge, fire your boss -- and cross the river to become the successful business owner that you know you can be.

Need some help to figure out how to really focus in on implementing these tips? Then be sure to go to my website to get more information about my Inside Every Woman There's a Millionaire® Programs. Click here to find out about events, tools and resources.

[Editor's note: Karen is available to work with you one-on-one, to help you identify your niche and implement a step-by-step strategy to build your business and attract your ideal clients. Please email her at for more information.]

©2009 Karen Dodd Group of Companies

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR EZINE OR WEBSITE? No problem! But here's what you MUST include:
Working with everyone from moms to millionaires, Karen Dodd helps you connect with your unique gifts and talents, ignite your passion, and take inspired action so you can Focus On The Dream(TM). To learn how you can start or move your business to a level that you've only dreamed of, register now for Karen's free articles at:

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Top 4 Easy Marketing Tips

by Karen Dodd

Do you love what you do but your heart quickens and your palms get sweaty when you think of marketing your business? Or, has your marketing become so routine and humdrum that you're even boring yourself? Would it be attractive to you, to be priming your marketing pump now, so that eventually it will run like a well-oiled machine?

Allow me to inject some fun, enthusiasm -- and EASE into your marketing equation.

In mentoring solo-entrepreneurs and self-employed professionals, I've noticed that they often miss utilizing the little things that can make such a big difference in their businesses. Here are some very easy, relatively inexpensive things that you can implement right away, that will help prime your marketing and client attraction funnel.

1. Utilize the back of your business cards. Trust me -- people do turn your business card over, and when there is nothing on the back, you are wasting significant marketing "real estate." I have been at 3 networking events in the past two weeks and the majority of business cards I received were either blank on the back, or contained some insignificant information. While it might be tempting to put your tag line or your mission statement on the flip side, why not put something that will cause people to go to your website? One year ago I built my entire readership for this ezine by having the following on my business cards: "If I simply did 20% High Payoff Activities for the rest of the year, would my income increase?" To create your '80/20 Wealth Board" go to:

2. You must, must, must have your own website (not just a company-replicated one) -- even if it's just a simple one or two-pager. If you are still trying to market without an on-line presence, you and your business are going to go the way of the dinosaur. For those of you who are in direct sales, it is critical that you not rely on the cookie-cutter website that your company provides you. Why? Because search engines like Google and Yahoo hate them! As soon as their engines detect a behemoth group of websites that are essentially all the same, they just skip right over yours. While your company-replicated site is great for showcasing your products and services, and for taking orders, you must have your own personal website.

3. Regardless of what type of business you are in, you need to be connecting with your public at least once every two weeks -- preferably once a week. The easiest and most effective way of doing this is via a simple E-newsletter, called an ezine. Alternatively, you could write a Blog -- which can actually serve as your website, until you get one up and running. If you choose to do an ezine, there are extremely simple platforms like Constant Contact or A-Weber. They have hundreds of templates to choose from, so you don't have to have your own graphics designed right away and they make your contact management a breeze. They both offer free trials and then are only around $20 per month after that. For blogging, Blogger is totally free and super easy to use.

4. Learn how to use Social Media to promote your business -- but do it right! When it comes to using social media like Facebook and Twitter, you're probably of two minds. One, you are thinking, why do I, or does anyone else care what I'm doing right now? Or, you are currently using social media, but not capitalizing on it for your business. Either way, you're missing the boat.

I highly recommend Relationship Specialist, Internet Marketing Consultant and Facebook Business Coach, Mari Smith . She is passionate about showing professionals, entrepreneurs and business owners how to develop powerful, profitable relationships using an integrated social media strategy, with Facebook and Twitter. I have worked with Mari personally and she also has tons of free information on her website.

Whether or not you decide to work with Mari, please don't jump into social media and start promoting yourself and your business right away. You will be very disappointed and burn your bridges before you even get started. Instead, look for individuals and groups that fit your niche and look for ways to contribute with ideas and support, first. Then, when you do start self-promoting you will have built a solid following of people who want to hear what you have to say.

Remember that in business -- as in life -- everything you do, says something about you. When you are authentically you and sincerely heart-centered in all that you do, you will bask in the glory of attraction marketing versus push-through marketing. And it only gets easier, more fun and more rewarding from there!

Need some help to figure out how to really focus in on implementing these tips? Then be sure to go to my Events page to get more information about my Inside Every Woman There's a Millionaire® Tea Party. If you are not in our local marketplace, then click here to register for my small group 5-week teleclass.

[Editor's note: Karen is available to work with you one-on-one, to help you identify your niche and implement a step-by-step strategy to build your business and attract your ideal clients. Please email her at for more information.]

©2009 Karen Dodd International

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR EZINE OR WEBSITE? No problem! But here's what you MUST include:
Working with everyone from moms to millionaires, Karen Dodd helps you connect with your unique gifts and talents, ignite your passion, and take inspired action so you can Focus On The Dream(TM). To learn how you can start or move your business to a level that you've only dreamed of, register now for Karen's free articles at: